Archives for October 2013
Pacific Medical Law recognized as Top Fundraiser for Children with CP
Four lawyers at Pacific Medical Law, Paul McGivern , Susanne Raab, Brenda Osmondand Natalia Ivolgina, participated in the recent fundraiser by the Cerebral Palsy Association, “September”. September began in Australia in 2010 and has since expanded to include the US, Canada, UK and the Netherlands. The goal of the program worldwide is to assist in advancing the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with a spectrum of disabilities by providing services and support to more than 176,000 children and adults every day-one person at a time, one family at a time.
Pacific Medical Law was recognized, at the end of the event, to be the top fundraiser in the country and the 7th highest in the world. We were also recognized for the participation in the program, being the team with the 3rd highest step count in BC and the 10th in the country.
Our online fundraising is open till November 8th and the BC Cerebral Palsy Association will accept offline donations till the end of December – it is not too late to donate!
You can make a donation by following this link.
Thanks to all those stepping up for this cause, the CPABC has raised funds to expand services and offer new programs that are both valuable and important. Learn more about the BC Cerebral Palsy Association and their programs and services here.
World Cerebral Palsy Day Initiative – Ideas to Change the World
Around the world, there are 17 million individuals living with cerebral palsy, a disorder that affects a person’s ability to move and to maintain posture and balance. It is a disability that starts at the beginning of life, and continues for a lifetime. There is no cure.
Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day, a day for us to all come together to shape the future and improve the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy, and their families.
Here’s how it works:
- Imagine it – Think of a challenge that affects you or someone you know with cerebral palsy – something that needs inventing, adapting or changing.
- Submit it – Create a 60 second video or short written description of your idea and submit it to the World CP Day website at
- Vote for it – Take a minute to check out the ideas submitted by others around the world online. Vote for those ideas that you would like to see become a reality. The most popular ideas will be presented to designers, innovators, engineers and investors.
- Spread the Word – tell your friends and family about the World CP Day Initiative.
Last year the winning idea was a solar powered wheelchair. What will it be this year?