Scotiabank Charity Challenge – Team CPABC


Andrea Donaldson of Pacific Medical Law participated in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge on behalf of the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC at the Vancouver Half Marathon and 5k on June 24. Andrea (centre) is photographed here with CPABC Executive Director Feri Dehdar (right), and communications intern Ashley Moliere (left). Through fundraising efforts of everyone involved, Team CPABC was able to raise $10,000 for the Association. Every dollar raised goes directly to programs and services for people living with cerebral palsy and other disabilities throughout the province.

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a term used to describe a group of non-progressive, but changing, disorders affecting body movement and muscle coordination. The condition affects 1 out of every 500 people in Canada. Although there is no cure of CP, there are many types of treatment, therapies, and supports that can lessen the effects of CP and help people living with CP lead independent lives.

About the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC

The Cerebral Palsy Association of BC was started in 1954 by a group of parents who wanted to help their children living with CP reach their maximum potential within society. Today, the Association is an independent charity organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, with the mission of raising awareness of CP in the community, assisting those with CP to reach their maximum potential, and working with people living with CP to realize their place as equals in a diverse society. The Association accomplishes their mission through advocacy, encouraging networking, educating members of the public about cerebral palsy, governing relations activities, and implementing programs for individuals with cerebral palsy. The Cerebral Palsy Association’s vision is to become the recognized leader in providing information, support, and guidance to children, adults, and families living with CP in British Columbia.

Through fundraising efforts such as the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, the Cerebral Palsy Association is able to offer advocacy, counselling, and collaboration with other agencies, as well as programs to assist people living with CP and other disabilities. The Association offers pre-employment training, education bursaries, and the Campership Program, which financially assists individuals of all ages to attend a special needs camp of their choice in BC. The Association also offers recreational programs such as adapted dance, yoga, and art, as well as legal, funding, and referral resources.

The Association’s intends to remain inclusive by continuing to maintain free, high quality programs and services, with the goal of raising social awareness and helping those with cerebral palsy and other disabilities live a life without limits.

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Andrea Donaldson


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