We Provide Financial Assistance for Hardworking Students Living With CP

Pacific Medical Law is looking to make a lasting difference in the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy. At Pacific Medical Law, we understand how much effort parents go through to fight for their children’s needs. Working with the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC, we have been able to provide support for young people with cerebral palsy by sponsoring an educational bursary. You can read more about our involvement and philanthropy with the Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia here.

The Bursary distributes financial support to 10 different recipients every year to subsidize the costs associated with educational programs. In the past, our recipients have used it to help them pursue educational opportunities in fields such as chemical engineering, psychology, and writing. Many of the recipients hope to use their skills to support others in the disability community.

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Brenda Osmond


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